Light weight deflectometer proves to be a must-have for quality assurance and supervision for compaction work on construction sites in Germany. These convenient measuring instruments are not only used in line and road construction, but more and more also for single-family homes and cellars.
Currently the well-known company Wolts GmbH from Northern Germany invests in light weight deflectometers of TERRATEST®. Under the slogan ‘Construction and More’, Wolts produces floor plates and cellars all over Germany for prefabricated and massive houses, but simultaneously carries out also earthwork and drainage works on the construction sites. “Thanks to the light weight deflectometer, we are from now on able to deliver our compaction proofs ourselves and supervise our earthworks more efficiently. This saves time and money on the construction sites and improves quality, declares Kai Wolts, CEO of the enterprise. ”By means of a dynamic load plate test, the carrying capacity in the soil is assessed within only two minutes, without the necessity of a counterweight in the form of an excavator or wheel loader. Particularly for single-family homes in terrain with a sloping location and for sand cushions below floor-plates, this instrument is indispensable.” Comprehensively equipped with GPS system, voice navigation and photo-documentation, these instruments enable a complete proof for compaction work to be established. The customer-friendly service and the well-prepared instructions to our staff represent an additional benefit. Our personnel is active all around Germany, so we are in need of a quick assessment of the construction quality, ” continues Mr. Wolt. “From the viewpoint of our clientele, the valuable equipment is furthermore a serious contribution to safety with respect to the stability of the buildings.” By means of the TERRATEST® smartphone app, all measurements are transferred in no time to the client or to the office for further evaluation.